Tuesday, February 27, 2007

White Tiger: Lit Cicles

Our class is doing literature circles for the second chapter of Woman Warrior, White Tiger. The role I chose was lexicographer, someone who looks up definitions of words we may not know. (Definitions are from http://dictionary.reference.com/) I didn't separate the posts, so this is just all the vocab I looked up.

To settle or stay after descending.
Page 19: She was combing her hair one morning when a white crane alighted outside her window.

A character or symbol representing an idea or a thing without expressing the pronunciation of a particular word or words for it.
Page 20: In the brush drawings it looks like the ideograph for "human," two black wings.

Not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through.
Page 20: The bird would cross the sun and lift into the mountains (which look like the ideograph “mountain”), there parting the mist briefly that swirled opaque again.

The elevation in a mountainous region above which trees do not grow.
Page 24: I walked in the direction from which we had come, and when I reached the timberline, I collected wood broken from the cherry tree, the peony, and the walnut, which is the tree of life.

Voluntary sacrifice or denial of oneself, as for an ideal or another person.
Page 28: I had met a rabbit who taught me about self-immolation and how to speed up transmigration: one does not have to become worms first but can change directly into a human being.

Page 29: In quarries I could see its strata, the dragon’s veins and muscles; the minerals, its teeth and bones.

A layer of tissue.
Page 29: In quarries I could see its strata, the dragon’s veins and muscles; the minerals, its teeth and bones.

To form, work, or decorate with a tool.
Page 35: The saddle was just my size with tigers and dragons tooled in swirls.

To pick out from others; select.
Page 36: I accepted all the gifts- -though I could not possibly carry them with me, and culled for travel only a small copper cooking bowl.

To let go; surrender.
Page 36: The villagers relinquished their real gifts to me- their sons.

Side by side; beside each other in a line
Page 37: Often I walked beside my horse to travel abreast of my army.

The estate or domain of a feudal lord.
Page 37: When I won over a goodly number of fighters, I built up my army enough to attack fiefdoms and to pursue the enemies I had seen in the water gourd.

A covered litter carried on poles on the shoulders of four or more bearers, formerly used in eastern Asia.
Page 38: They had climbed out of their palanquins to watch their husband fight me, and now they were holding each other weeping.

The period of development in the uterus from conception until birth; pregnancy.
Page 39: As a fat man, I walked with the foot soldiers so as not to jounce the gestation.

Capable of being touched or felt; tangible.
Page 41: The leader stared at the palpable sword swishing unclutched at his men, then laughed out loud.

To induct into office with formal ceremonies.
Page 42: We beheaded him, cleaned out the place, and inaugurated the peasant who would begin the new order.

- accosted
To approach and speak to boldly or aggressively, as with a demand or request.
Page 43: When no one accosted me, I sheathed the swords and walked about like a guest until I found the baron.

To postpone or cancel the punishment of.
Page 44: there was one last-minute reprive of a bodyguard when a witness shouted testimony just as the vise was pinching blood.

The relation or attitude of a child to a parent.
Page 45: From the words on my back, and how they were fulfilled, the villagers would make a legend about my perfect filiality.

To condescend to give or grant.
Page 48: The boss never deigned to answer.

Richly supplied; abundant or plentiful.
Page 49: He leaned back in his leather chair, his bossy stomach opulent.

Custom; habit; practice.
Page 49: Surely, the eighty pole fighters, though unseen, would follow me and lead me and protect me, as is the wont of ancestors.

The science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.
Page 52: I read in an anthropology book that Chinese say, “Girls are necessary too”; I have never heard the Chinese I know to make this concession.

The thing or point yielded.
Page 53: I read in an anthropology book that Chinese say, “Girls are necessary too”; I have never heard the Chinese I know to make this concession.

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