Thursday, February 22, 2007

Methods Of Characterization

In class we learned the 5 Methods Of Characterization and were assigned to apply them to one of our characters from out Flat World Tale. I'll be using the unamed main character/narrerator.

She's a 13 year old full Korean girl she but doesn't look very asian due to her unusually large eyes and while she's fairly pretty and has a pretty good fashion sense she doesn't wear anything too risky.

Inner Thoughts and Feelings
She isn't sure whether she want to be closer to God. She's afraid to be a devoted Christian because she fears she might not be accepted by her friedns and classmates. She's frustrated at not being able to communicate or understand the people around her. She gains spiritual enlightenment but is still sturggling with coming out and annoncing her faith with pride.

The retreat is a good place for her to attempt to learn more about herself, but the time, place, and language all work against her. Her assumed school environment is a place where religious views are too heavy subjects and considered strange, different.

What they say
The girl starts out not saying much but agreeing and following Nina. At the end she voices her own opinion. It's just a word , but she does say "Yeah" with her own voice and not Nina's.

What others say about them
A chaperone scolds her on her unwillingness to get as much as she can out of the retreat.
Nina says to her that the retreat was almost bearable with her.

She does some regretable things at first directed by Nina and the frustrating circumstances; but eventually gets something out of the experience and starts to grow both with God and as a person.

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