Friday, May 4, 2007

Act 2: Character Analysis

In Act 2 of A Midsummer Night's Dream, Helena continues to fawn over Demetrius, and as mentioned earlier, follows him determinedly into the woods and pleads her love. Back and forth they banter, Demetrius with cold harsh words of repulsion and Helena with devote acclamations, desperate begs. In the second scene of this act she also repeats how unattractive she views herself as opposed to Hermia.

I stand by how she should act in these points as how I mentioned in my last post: "Acting-wise, Helena should say her lines hopelessly and bitterly when she talks about Demetrius' love for Hermia (actions could include clenched fists, envious looks towards Hermia, looking down sadly, etc) and increasingly desperate when devoting her love to him (actions could include chasing, grabbing and holding onto Demetrius, yelling when speaking, ignoring everything but Demetrius, eye contact with him, etc)."

A new emotion or situation Helena is introduced to in this act (scene two) is receiving love and responding to it. Lysander, under the spell of the nectar of an enchanted love flower, falls in love with Helena and declares it to her. Helena is hurt thinking Lysander isn't sincere, that he's mocking her. Already countlessly emotionally wounded by Demetrius' scorn she explodes ranting shortly about how she, already frustrated with the unrequired love of Demetrius, thought him to be "of more true gentleness" (Act 2, Scene 2, line 139). She exits with a finally line, "O, that a lady of one man refused/Should of another therefore be abused!"(Act 2, Scene 2, lines 140-141).

Helena doesn't believe he loves her for many reasons. She's seen how much in love he was with Hermia, he hadn't ever hinted towards romantic interest in her, and possibly with all the hate she had been receiving from Demetrius, her self-esteem or hope in love may be so diminished that she may not be able to even fathom she'd ever be loved.

While Demetrius is announcing his love for her, Helena should look perplexed
: confused blank/vacant expression, cocked head, awkward body stance (as if she doesn't quite know what to do in this kind of situation), then slowly transition into an angry state by the end of his segment: glaring up at Lysander with clenched fists, strong bold body stance, leaning forward (as if to threaten him). Her lines should be yelled carrying anger obviously, but hurt as well. She might move her hands aggressively as she speaks. At the end of her harague, pausing to glare at Lysander for a few moments, she should abruptly turn away and exit the stage with a disgusted noise.

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